I can't escape, or so it seems.

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Layout: anita pravitasari. 23 June, 2008
tools: adobe photoshop, notepad, adobe dreamweaver
Text/Lyric: corinne bailey rae's "enchantment"


Don't know how I fell under his spell.
The name is Anita Pravitasari. People call me "anita". Likes to prefer her self as "nyt". 20 years old (There. I've changed it). Live in Jakarta-Bandung, Indonesia. In a relationship. Currently taking major in Chemical Engineering ITB. Love to write even more to read. Movie geek. Music lover. Often tired and loves sleep. Cries very easily. Is very friendly. Her ultimate fangirl crush would be with Johnny Deep *dies*. Is a spoiler whore. She hardly use a censoring system when she babbles so read at your own risks.

The Shack - William P. Young
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling
Be With You - Takuji Ichikawa
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
A Walking Tour of the Shambles - Neil Gaiman
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
The Host - Stephanie Meyer
DSLR camera
new cellphone (any suggestion?)
a LONG vacation (europe baby!)
watching Kungfu Panda
Crayon’s Craft & co, Jl. Aceh no. 15

anitapravitasari@gmail.com nytnyta@gmail.com nytazspot@hotmail.com sakura_misakichi@yahoo.com
All emails go straight to my Microsoft Outlook.


recent watch
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber from Fleet Street
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Spiderwick Chronicles

recent read
The Devil of Nanking
Mo Hayder
The Amulet of Samarkand
Jonathan Stroud
Angie Sage

current read
Stephanie Meyer
New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer

He smiles and I give in. This could be an enchantment.
Pelantikan Pramuka Maknyus!!
Thursday, 26 June 2008 9:14 pm
I was tagged on facebook, and guess what I found??

Pelantikan pertama gw di SMAN 8. Ngga lain dan ga bukan adalah Pramuka! Praja Muda Karana!


wah, ada Hari nya juga. Lagi dmn ya tu anak skarang?

It was..what? 2003??
Hahaha..jadul mampus!! Liat aja rambut gw yg mencuat itu. Amit2!

Inget banget waktu itu kita smua kelabakan bgt nyari baju pramuka yg muat. Secara trakhir ikutan Pramuka pas klas 6 sd. Ampe nyari ke Gedung Pramuka depan Gambir nyoy...ampe ditanya2 ama majalah pramuka..hahaha..padahal dipakenya ya cuma sekali itu. Tapi kykny masih ada tuh di lemari.

kangen juga ya..
Cuma satu malem tapi lumayan byk cerita yang menarik. Sepatu pada ilang, ada yang kesurupan, bermalam bersama senior2 yg cantik2 dan ganteng2 (jadi inget ochin..haha! Inget ga Syn insiden celana dalam?? Hwakakakak!)

Kenapa ikutan Pramuka?
Biar dikata eksis dong..! Hohoho!
Gimana engga? Isinya anak gaol smua getoh..! *puking*

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Kungfu Panda! (just a quickie)
Wednesday, 25 June 2008 8:11 pm
Yay! I finally watched it!

I've been through many obstacles. I'm telling you, a girl do need to fight her way just to watch the big-fat panda shaking its belly. People had been talking about how the movie is very funny, and the noises that the Panda's making when things bounce on his belly, and so on... It'd been driving me crazy that all of my friends had watched it and I hadn't.

And today, I'm finally able to! Even better, with Auzan too!! Although he tends to get really annoying when I'm excited. But I said to my self, 'No. Not today. Nothing's gonna get me today. In about 30 minutes I'm gonna see what the talks is all about.'.

I must say, the waiting was really worth it. The movie is VERY ENTERTAINING! Very funny, I laughed out loud during some scenes. Plus, listening Angelina Jolie's (♥♥) voice as Tigress was so wonderful.

GRAPHICS ARE AMAZING. The 3D was so soft. The lighting was amazing. How it gave ambiance to the scenes- for example the lighting in Po's room when he wakes up was so clear and actually like diffused sunlight in the morning. Oh, and the scene where Po was sitting alone on the top of the cliff under the peach tree? Very liking it.

The humor never fell flat once. Like seriously, from the very outset, the movie starts tossing you hilarious quotes and scenes you'll be swapping with your friends all week.

There are a lot of lessons learned in this film and i'm quoting:
1. "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and today? Today is a gift, that's why it's called present." - Oogway
2. Often the path one takes to avoid their destiny is the very one that leads them to it.
3. And my favorite of all the quotes: "There is no price for Awesomeness or Attractiveness" - Po

Good job Dreamworks, you're looking pretty cool.


Today, is June 25th!
Happy 11 months Anniversary to me and my boyfriend!
Only 1 month to go!

I forgot what date to day is. Auzan said he was waiting for me to realize but then decided to tell after the movie. I feel bad. I'm the worst girlfriend ever. I'm very lucky he's still keeping me. Thank you so much for the wonderful 11 months.

Don't ever let me go...please? Pretty please?

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New Layout!
Monday, 23 June 2008 1:23 pm
It took me 4 hours to get everything right. The texts won't get aligned, It was really frustrating. Well, it's been awhile since my last time playing with codes.
It's simple, nice, clean, with less pictures. Basically it consists of 3 tables with the word 'enchantment' divided in the 3 tables with different colors; green, red, blue. Very neat work., don't you think? ;P.
But I still can't find a way to put an newer/older posts links on a classic template.
At least this skin has got some substance to it in regards to the design aspect, and it isn't too ordinary.
It's not my best one, but creating a simple theme layout is not an easy thing for me. I love it.

So, what do you think? :)

*is amazed*
Sunday, 22 June 2008 10:14 pm
Can you believe these are actually drawings???

Of course you have to stand in the right position for the illusion to work...

Check out artist's site site for more :D
I just can't decide which ones to show you! They're all so great!

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Thoughts on House Season 4 Finale
Monday, 16 June 2008 8:07 pm
It's time for tears again.
So much drama and emotions this season and the finale is here to break your heart. Wilson's heart made me cry a lot. Life is unfair and House's cannot be God all the time. A very bittersweet episode where love and friendship are at stake.

I just want to say that the two-parter episode is one of, if not THE BEST season finale of a TV Drama that I have seen in awhile. Because of that, because I'm so enamored with it, I feel the need to write about it. And boy, do I write.


House 4.16 - Wilson's Heart (Season Finale)

Other than plot, this episode also relied on the outstanding and remarkable performances from Hugh Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard, and Anne Dudek. Together in harmony, the three of them worked splendidly. The rest of the cast built some sort of strong fortress around to support the three of them, to make sure that everybody delivered the structure with perfect result. Oh, how they did.

Let me start with Anne Dudek.

I thought she did a superb job with her character, Amber. Hate her or not, she brought a different atmosphere to the world of Plainsboro Hospital. The last two episodes particularly, she won me over. The scene where Amber remembered what had happened to her, broke down and said that "she shouldn't have gotten on the bus", and realized that "she was already dead" due to the flu pills was mind-blowingly good. As well as the part where she told Wilson that it was time for her to go to sleep. Tears running like Niagara Falls from my eyes. I think that's a testament to Anne Dudek's acting skills.

Then, there was Robert Sean Leonard. Stepping into the spotlight after being a faithful supporting figure to Hugh Laurie's character for the past 4 years, RSL gave a heartwrenching performance as a man who was about to lose his dearly loved.

It started in his office when – confronted by Cuddy to do the right thing, to wake Amber up so he could say goodbye, so both could say goodbye, and spent those last precious moments on Earth – Wilson broke down and cried. Covering his eyes and face and then hugged Cuddy tight, for knowing that it was the exact thing, the ONLY thing, he needed to do right now. RSL didn’t falter, not even a bit, to let out all those emotions.

The way he tried to calm himself when telling Amber about what happened, and then the last hours he spent, lying by her side. His voice broke down when he begged Amber to stay awake just a little bit longer and demanded why she wasn’t angry. At him. At House. At the unfairness of the situation. Why is it okay with you? Why aren’t you angry? When Amber answered patiently, we could see that even if he didn’t want to, Wilson realized it was time to let her go.

So he resigned to it … kissed her and quickly turned the machine off (like he didn’t want her to suffer more). Watch RSL’s eyes and shaking hands as he watched his lover took that one last breath. Amazing. Even if you have a cold stone heart, I’m sure that in that one moment, there is a tiny crack as RSL delivered the whole scene astoundingly.

And of course, I kinda save the best thing for last. The man, the genius, the persistent wonder named Hugh Laurie. In this episode, I thought he just took himself to a next level of acting achievement. I simply worship the ground he is walking. Hugh Laurie stripped away all barriers, all non sense, all defenses, from House's character. His blue eyes speak a thousand more than words. His facial expression, his body gesture, every single thing Hugh Laurie did, were a divine example of someone who is in tune with the character he was playing.

There were 3 powerful scenes delivered by Hugh Laurie with such perfection, he gave me more than enough reason to become his worthy slave.

First, the scene where he asked Wilson, "You think I should risk my life to save Amber's?", and when Wilson nodded, he looked like he was punched in the solar plexus for tiny few seconds. A disappointment over this selfish request from Wilson. Few seconds later though, with a sigh, he agreed to do it. Just like that - an act of pure love, pure friendship, and altruistic cause for his beloved best friend.

We could still saw his bitter disappointment though, through his eyes as he watched Wilson helping him with the dangerous procedure. His eyes still asking, did you really want me to go through with this?. When Wilson just looked away, we saw the total resignation over the whole thing.

And of course, after House realized that he could not do anything in the end, that Amber's fate was already sealed - him in his mind saying sorry to Wilson - but when the camera closed up to House's face in the reality, we saw tears falling down his cheek. SUPERB.

Second, was when House sat with Amber in the restored glowing bus, hovering between life and death. When he told amber that he preferred to stay with her, in a place where it didn't hurt. Because he didn't to be in pain, to be miserable, and above all, he didn't want Wilson to hate him. His voice broke, the short intake breath, the precise pause in between sentences, and we can feel his naked feelings in those three sentences. Guilt, sorrow, pain ... of past regret and future fear, everything rolled into one, and Hugh Laurie did not even seem to be in difficulty to translate all those emotions. Just with the tone of his voice, the look on his face, it is BRILLIANT, he made me speechless.

Final scene was of course, when he noticed Wilson standing outside his room. It was a quick scene, I know, but in those few seconds, you could practically saw him trying to say he was sorry through his eyes. When Wilson refused to enter the room, just took a deep breath, turned around, and walked away wordlessly ... even without the camera panning to him, from a far we could see him getting still, like waiting for the worse thing to come. AMAZING.

I practically couldn't see this episode clearly, with all those tears running down my face, my nose, and me getting hard to breather. I'm so hooked. This episode changes everything. There is a chance, of course, that MAYBE Wilson did not 100% hate House at first. By coming to see House after he woke up from coma, Wilson showed that he still cared for his wreck of a friend. But grief and anger and frustration might keep him from walking into the room and said anything.

HOWEVER, as he returned to the empty apartment, and then found the note that Amber left for him, we could see from his expression that this COULD change into a full blown-up hatred. Why? Because I think, it all started with House doing his usual selfish thing. He got drunk and then simply Dial-A-Wilson to help him with all the mess. It is something that painfully too familiar and Wilson has tried so many times to help House clean the act, with no avail. And this time, this time that simple common act ends up with a very tragic ending.

So maybe when House told Amber in retrospect that Wilson was going to hate him - Amber's reply couldn't be closer to the truth. "Well, you kind of deserve it," she said.

That's it -- the episode ended with the big lingering question, "How's it gonna be?"

For once, I don't care if the old team was barely there. I don't care for the old ducklings or the new ones. I don't even feel bothered with the fact that Cameron had no dialog what-so-ever here. This episode is a dedication for House and Wilson's relationship as friends.

Phewwww, glad that I let those all out!

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di Balubur
5:02 pm
Tepatnya di toko Kulo di pojok sebelah kanan.
Hilda sedang melihat pilihan art paper yang ada. Saya berdiri di bagian luar toko sambil melihat-lihat ke dalam.

Lalu, tidak disangka-sangka, si penjaga toko bertanya sambil menunjuk kami berdua.

"Kembar ya?"

Dua pasang mata saling berpandangan.
Dan kami pun tergelak.

Saturday, 14 June 2008 11:13 pm

House 4.15 - House's Head
I have no words except WOW!!
I was blown away. The script of this episode was unbelievable. The memories, fantasies and real action mix was perfectly blended into the episode.
Hugh's performance was astounding and the final reveal a total shocker!! An episode that worth seeing more than once.

Okay, I must say that I haven't been happy with House this season ... what with the old ducklings being replaced with the new ones. Lack of interactions between House and the old ducklings. Those silly survivor kind of getting the new team in the earlier episodes. I thought it sucked either way. If it's not the power house performance by Hugh Laurie, I might have been able to stop watching it marathon. Even after the new team is developed, I still have no idea why the writers decided to keep Amber on the show as Wilson's girlfriend. I just don't see the point.

After the writer's strike ... new episodes are coming up. I saw the old ducklings more, still have no clue why Amber seems to play a big part (House and her fighting over Wilson - don't see the point of that one), but I guess the episodes are getting bit better. I mean, the episode before this, with Cameron inside the room again, with House ... the interaction between them is just wonderful ... (even if she said she didn't miss House, I believe she was lying *lol*)

.... and this episode


POOR AMBER! Nobody knew she was in the bus and she is dying at Princeton General!
Poor Wilson! Learning that his girlfriend is dying and was with House in the bus for some reason.
Poor House! Concussed and dying once again only to remember that Amber was dying before the accident!

The episode starts with House in a strip club with no memories of how he got there. He is bleeding and concussed. He lost four hours and once stumbling out of the club sees the accident. The bus upside down in the middle of the street.

To regain his lost memories he get to House so he can regain his lost memories he tried hypnosis, did by Chase who had the training and take House down to memory lane. He remember being in a bar before taking the bus. Interesting stuff is that House only remembers the bartender and...sees Amber. I would have thought Chase would have picked up that he was not hallucinating and Amber wasn't there in the room in the present to talk to him. Yep! It was the big clue! Back in the bus he sees a punk guitar player wannabe picking his nose and thinks he is the dying guy. (From picking his nose??! Hmmm...it reminded me of somebody. Wonder who HE is? :P)

Then Smelling Taub's coffee in the middle of diagnosi, House decided to smell the passenger's clothes! YUCK
And then he decided to take a bath. A sensory deprivation bath! Yes. Weird way our brain work.

In the hospital bath tube, House hallucinates Cuddy! In a schoolgirl outfit! A VERY SHORT SCHOOLGIRL OUTFIT! And since she is in his brain she agrees to strip WHILE doing the differential diagnosis! (any Huddy fans burst out with happiness? ^o^)

Cuddy brings House back. House notices the patient had recent dental surgery. As the team troll the patient out of the room to the OR, House shuts the glass door with a crutch. Cuddy gets mad and House tells her the patient has an air bubble in his heart. He orders thirteen, who is insde with him to take a syringe and stab the guy in the heart to get the air out.
Cuddy yells at doctor Hadley (Finally ! Thirteen has a name!!) to stop. Thirteen tells her she is sorry. Taub and Kutner get the door open but after Thirteen stabbed the guy.. saving him!
Cuddy is still mad but House was right! AGAIN!

At House's apartment, Cuddy is making sure he gets rest. House's mentions the nurse used to tuck him in. Cuddy gives him a very flirty smile. She is at his apartment!! This is the first time we see her inside it!! YAY!!

House cannot sleep and goes to see Cuddy. He is actually hallucinating again. The strange woman he saw earlier is on his lounge chair. She wasn't on the bus but is a clue. Her necklace is the clue to the big picture. House gets memories of actions he did on the bus. A red scarf he ties to her leg and telling her "Stay with me".
He wakes up and goes to wake Cuddy.
"It's not over. I saved the wrong person!"


House takes the all team to the bus for a re-enactment of the scene to get his memory back. Cuddy, Wilson, new ducklings and old ducklings plus random nurses. House takes alzheimer drugs to stimulate his brain which make Cuddy worries that his brain will overload and his heart will stop.

The memory starts. The woman is here, she is here for him to guess who she is.

"What my necklace made of?"

The answer to the question is her name.


it doesn't make sense....



The collision happens just behind Amber.
She is thrown on the side, House is holding to a pole. The bus slides on it side and House get knocked on his head on the side of the bus.

House focuses on Amber.
I am crying now because they are trying to reach for each other ! OMG! The music is so amazing and romantic in a way.
Their hands grasp but let go at a sudden tremor as the bus continues to slide. They try again but the bus slides in to a wall and stop.
House wakes up, finds Amber, takes her scarf to tie against her lag who has a metal pole stuck into it.

House passes out. He wakes up again and sees a fireman taking Amber. House gets out slowly, tries to find Amber. He gets checked up but walks away disoriented.

We get black and white motion pictures of Cuddy's mouth doing CPR on him. House continues to hallucinate. Cuddy continues the CPR. Is there any Huddy fans that count Cuddy's mouth-to-mouth rescue of House as them "kissing"?? (Sorry, can't help myself on that one!)

Wilson is hammering his fist on House's chest, Cuddy is still breathing for him.
He gasps and finally wakes up.
"It was Amber....she was on the bus"
Wilson giggles and thinks it was a fantasy...
House asks him if he talked to her recently.
Wilson starts to get worried

"She was on the bus with me" says House.
Wilson gets real worried here. House continues "She is the one who is dying!"

EVIL CLIFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this one. So Jane Doe was Amber? FU*K!!! What the hell she was doing on the bus with House?!? Did House really have this dark deep desire for her, that's why he seems jealous with her hanging out with Wilson all the time?!?!? By the way, I love the fact that it was Cuddy and Wilson who saved House. They are his family, his best friends, his everything ... it's just right.

I'm bursting up with anxiety now, wanting to see the finale of House, but the damn DVD doesn't have it. The reason why I'm willing to spent Rp 30000 on them was because it says it contains 16 episodes. And when I'm ready to know the secret I just can't, because IT ISN'T THERE!! And I can't download the episode because my internet connection suck! DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!!!

I can't look for a direct download now because I need my sleep tonight. I need to wake up very early tomorrow. Please, please, God! Let there be a direct download just this once! Just for this episode! Pretty please!


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More from House
Friday, 13 June 2008 11:09 pm
House 4.02 - The Right Stuff

He hired people at the end of the previous episode and is now starting to weed them out. I knew it's gonna be like American Idol! Well, maybe meaner.

Patient of the week:
Greta, "30 year old", "a captain in the Air Force about to start a new assignment. NASA's astronaut training program" but who had an episode of synasthesia while in an simulator. She wants to make sure there is no record of the diagnosis/treatment. So, House presents it to his candidate, "As far as you're concerned the patient is Osama Bin Laden and everyone not in this room is Delta Force."

The theme is don't kill a dream. and well, I still have dream of House and Cameron ^_^. Sure, House "saw" the three ducklings but it was Cameron that he seeked out. Not Chase, who we knew was at PPTH as well. The scene between him and Cameron is ♥♥ (love the way he looked at her). So don't kill my dream :). Although House like her new hair, which according to him makes her look like a hooker, I hate it. Makes her look pale.

But gosh, darn it, I miss the ducklings. Now, I know Chase and Cameron are working at PPTH, so maybe they can have interaction with House once in awhile. When will they bring Foreman from Mercy? I like Foreman. That black Mormon doctor cannot really replace him *sigh*

I hope that House didn't choose 3 ducklings that resembled Chase, Cameron, and Foreman. I know that #9 (Kal Penn) will be joining as series regular, that is a right choice. He's not like any of the ducklings so far. I mean, the scene where he actually burn the patient was HILARIOUS! Also when he suggested that they could get the patient wasted by drinking tequile. And the plastic surggeon suggested to hide a tumor operation with a boobs job? NICE :)

And by the way, House and Wilson *sigh*. I totally LOVE them.

Best quote from Wilson: "Yes, why are you merging Cameron and Chase? We should find out before the next time you see her when she'll be black" (laugh!!)

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House S4E01
7:41 pm
I recently found season 4 DVD of House in Movie Room that surprisingly contain 16 eps. Although it's been in my possession since almost 2 weeks ago, I just watched the 1st eps this evening.


House 4.01 - Alone
On last season's episode House lost all of his team members (Chase fired, Foreman and Cameron quit) and bought a new guitar, a $12,000 1962 Flying V.

I MISS THE DUCKLINGS!!! I can't believe they're even NOT appearing in the opener *sigh*. But, I do love seeing the dynamic of House and Wilson's friendship again. The "kidnapping" of the guitar is hilarious...

Did Hugh Laurie gain some weight. I'm pretty sure there was some fat around his waist. Not that I hate chubby man. I think those weight make him looks younger. Despite the fat, he managed to developed well-built arms somehow. Oh, and we can see the new guitar since House decided to have private concerts in his office. Count on House to do something crazy. Refusing to set up job interview, he replace his team with Dr. Buffer from House Keeping Department, a.k.a the janitor. He was bouncing ideas off a janitor while his patient is dying.

The main patient storyline is rather sad. I can't believe that it is a wrong patient. House realizes that Megan isn’t Megan: it’s her similarly-looking co-worker Liz, and Megan died. Ben mistakenly identified the surviving Liz as his dead girlfriend Megan. I feel sorry for Ben. He didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to Megan. But Cuddy is right, Cameron would've believe that they have a good relationship, Foreman will do anything to prove House wrong, and Chase will do anything to prove he's right. Again, I miss the ducklings!!!

By the way, I still can hope for the House/Cameron thing, right? I mean , he even says "Gee, you remind me of someone", when talking to that female doctor (she even has some sort of resemblance to Cam!). Call me delusional, but I'd like to keep the little flame for my ship *g*

I'd like to see how House pick the team. When he says in the end about in 6 weeks, 29 people will be gone, why do I suddenly wish that it's going to be "American Idol" kind of elimination?


Now it's time for the quotes! Hail to the sick bastard!
"You test drive a car before you buy it. You have sex before you get married, I can't hired a team based on a ten-minute interview. What if I don't like having sex with them?"
"In what twisted universe does mastering Eddie Van Helen's two handed arpeggio technique count as absolutely nothing?"

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It wasn't enough afterall.
Monday, 2 June 2008 6:57 pm
3 night we slept under one roof.
Now it almost half a day.
And I miss them already.
I wanna see them so much that I almost cry.
If It wasn't because of him, I will certainly did.


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