I can't escape, or so it seems.

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Anonymous Anonymous // 12/8/08 16:08
Blogger nyt // 12/8/08 22:18
Anonymous Anonymous // 12/8/08 22:23


adi primo rizki
akhmad arfiyan
alfa aphrodita
ardya dipta nandaviri
astri pradiptaningtyas
auzan abirama
devy nandya
dian amelina
dian shofinita
dyahshinta dwitya
elizabeth valentin
guntur susanto
hanna siahaan
hans gunawan
ivan hadinata
marco armando
michael jubel hutagalung
rani resanti
ratih asthary
republik babi
ronald osmond
tasa nugraza barley

Dee Idea
Deviant Art
Sherina Munaf
Sinema Indonesia
Rotten Tomatoes
Pink is the New Blog
Process Engineers
Majari Magazine

Layout: anita pravitasari. 23 June, 2008
tools: adobe photoshop, notepad, adobe dreamweaver
Text/Lyric: corinne bailey rae's "enchantment"


Don't know how I fell under his spell.
The name is Anita Pravitasari. People call me "anita". Likes to prefer her self as "nyt". 20 years old (There. I've changed it). Live in Jakarta-Bandung, Indonesia. In a relationship. Currently taking major in Chemical Engineering ITB. Love to write even more to read. Movie geek. Music lover. Often tired and loves sleep. Cries very easily. Is very friendly. Her ultimate fangirl crush would be with Johnny Deep *dies*. Is a spoiler whore. She hardly use a censoring system when she babbles so read at your own risks.

The Shack - William P. Young
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling
Be With You - Takuji Ichikawa
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
A Walking Tour of the Shambles - Neil Gaiman
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
The Host - Stephanie Meyer
DSLR camera
new cellphone (any suggestion?)
a LONG vacation (europe baby!)
watching Kungfu Panda
Crayon’s Craft & co, Jl. Aceh no. 15

anitapravitasari@gmail.com nytnyta@gmail.com nytazspot@hotmail.com sakura_misakichi@yahoo.com
All emails go straight to my Microsoft Outlook.


recent watch
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber from Fleet Street
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Spiderwick Chronicles

recent read
The Devil of Nanking
Mo Hayder
The Amulet of Samarkand
Jonathan Stroud
Angie Sage

current read
Stephanie Meyer
New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer

He smiles and I give in. This could be an enchantment.
Beauty: What is Beauty?
Monday 11 August 2008 9:55 pm
Beauty is an idea. And everyone's idea of beauty is unique. What you think of as beautiful is shaped by your own life experiences and personal perspectives.

We often think of beauty as what makes us appealing to the people around us, especially potential mates (or dates). But I think beauty is a function of culture, too–-and there are lots of ideas floating around our culture about what is considered beautiful. When ideas about beauty make powerful impacts, they can become beauty ideals.

What is ideal beauty?

Classical Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle were the first to explore the concept. And our culture is still influenced by this focus on beauty ideals. The ideals may evolve over time, or they may seem stuck in a permanent loop. Sometimes it can seem like beauty is all about trying to live up to an ideal. Which is pretty much a hopeless pursuit, because ideas and ideals aren't real. We are. So, define you own beauty for yourself.

A lot of what we know about beauty throughout history comes from art. Our modern images of beauty are seen in movies, magazines, and on TV. But before these modern media existed, painting, sculpture, and early photography were the visual sources for images of beauty. Even the most "realistic" art and media is the product of choices made by the artist or media maker. These choices help shape and are shaped by the beauty ideals of the culture we live in.

The act of creating an image of beauty can be very powerful. Images can take on lives of their own, transforming one artist's idea of beauty into a cultural "idea" of beauty. For this reason, representations of women in art can take on a special status. So, while images of women in art give us a good idea of what people thought was beautiful at the time, they don't necessarily give us a good idea of what people really looked like.

If Monalisa wasn't in a painting, would they even think she was pretty? (Even now, I never slightly think that she is pretty) Just like magazines and TV today don't really represent an accurate cross section of people in the real world.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

What you see is defined by who you are. Whether you are looking at a person or photo, no one else will ever have the exact same view of something as you do. That's because no two people have the same brain or the same experiences. Your identity and psychology impact how you see everything, especially people. Your ideas and ideals are affected by your personal perspective.

The beauty ideals of society as a whole don't always correspond directly to the beauty ideals of individuals. At any given time in history, no matter what the ideal woman looked like, there were thousands and thousands of people who preferred her opposite. So whether or not you share the traits of the so-called beauty of the moment, it's likely that your kind of beauty will mesh with someone else's idea of beauty.

Some would say, "I love girls who look like monkeys!". Some other would say, "I love girls with more than one head!". While other group would say, "I love girls with green, prickly skin!".

The point is, beauty is however you see it. All the information in the world about beauty--taking into account your ideas, identity, and experiences--will be filtered through your eyes to create your own personalized beauty ideal.

Beauty isn't just an idea. It's your idea.

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