I can't escape, or so it seems.

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Anonymous Anonymous // 29/1/08 09:48

July 2007
August 2007
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October 2007
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December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008

adi primo rizki
akhmad arfiyan
alfa aphrodita
ardya dipta nandaviri
astri pradiptaningtyas
auzan abirama
devy nandya
dian amelina
dian shofinita
dyahshinta dwitya
elizabeth valentin
guntur susanto
hanna siahaan
hans gunawan
ivan hadinata
marco armando
michael jubel hutagalung
rani resanti
ratih asthary
republik babi
ronald osmond
tasa nugraza barley

Dee Idea
Deviant Art
Sherina Munaf
Sinema Indonesia
Rotten Tomatoes
Pink is the New Blog
Process Engineers
Majari Magazine

Layout: anita pravitasari. 23 June, 2008
tools: adobe photoshop, notepad, adobe dreamweaver
Text/Lyric: corinne bailey rae's "enchantment"


Don't know how I fell under his spell.
The name is Anita Pravitasari. People call me "anita". Likes to prefer her self as "nyt". 20 years old (There. I've changed it). Live in Jakarta-Bandung, Indonesia. In a relationship. Currently taking major in Chemical Engineering ITB. Love to write even more to read. Movie geek. Music lover. Often tired and loves sleep. Cries very easily. Is very friendly. Her ultimate fangirl crush would be with Johnny Deep *dies*. Is a spoiler whore. She hardly use a censoring system when she babbles so read at your own risks.

The Shack - William P. Young
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling
Be With You - Takuji Ichikawa
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
A Walking Tour of the Shambles - Neil Gaiman
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
The Host - Stephanie Meyer
DSLR camera
new cellphone (any suggestion?)
a LONG vacation (europe baby!)
watching Kungfu Panda
Crayon’s Craft & co, Jl. Aceh no. 15

anitapravitasari@gmail.com nytnyta@gmail.com nytazspot@hotmail.com sakura_misakichi@yahoo.com
All emails go straight to my Microsoft Outlook.


recent watch
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber from Fleet Street
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Spiderwick Chronicles

recent read
The Devil of Nanking
Mo Hayder
The Amulet of Samarkand
Jonathan Stroud
Angie Sage

current read
Stephanie Meyer
New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer

He smiles and I give in. This could be an enchantment.
Friday, 25 January 2008 11:04 pm
Tiba-tiba perhatian teralihkan oleh radio.

Jadi inget.


Yang namanya luka musti diurus biar cepet sembuh. Tar malah jadi borok. Tapi nyari antiseptiknya dmn?

Jeleknya, sekarang malah dibiarin aja. Cuman ditahan sakitnya. Jadi dikerubungin lalet tuh.

Ya udah lah. It's not exactly my life.

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What's Wrong With Being a Princess?
Tuesday, 22 January 2008 3:31 pm

I'm sure all of you have heard of Disney's all-girls team franchise known as Disney Princesses. The Princesses were just the separate, disunited, heroines of Disney animated films-- Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Belle, and Mulan. Then Disney's Andy Mooney got the idea of bringing the gals together in a team. With a wave of the wand they were all elevated to royal status and set loose on the world. Today, there is no little girl in the wired, industrial world who does not seek to display her allegiance to the pink-gold-and-purple clad Disney dynasty.

Just like Ruth Handler's did with her blond actual-woman-shaped doll, Barbie, Disney likes to think of the Princesses as role models. But then concerns were raised that the franchise could give young girls the wrong message.

On December 24, 2006, Peggy Orenstein published, “What’s Wrong With Cinderella?” in the New York Times which discussed her concerns about the effects of princess figures on young girls.

Why deprive a child of fun and entertainment while she is young enough to enjoy them because of a value judgment she may not share when she grows up? By the time she will be able to buy whatever she wants, it will be too late, even if she will be able to find the same material. Of course, by then, something else will be on the market instead, but if, suppose, she could find it, won't she feel that she was unfairly deprived of all that fun while at the proper age, whereas by then, she will just be too old to fully enjoy it?

There is nothing wrong with dreaming of being a princess and with wearing feminine clothes. Playing princess is just normal child behavior and appeals to a deep desire to be feminine.

As Andy Mooney said (quoted form ABC News): "They are caring, they are loving, they are friendly, they are courteous," he said of his princess creations. "This is really not about being a damsel in distress. This is really about these girls projecting themselves into the life of a princess and the environment of a princess, and kind of really reveling in that moment."

I, my self, had my own collection of Barbie and I still watch Barbie's movies. I adore all Disney's fairytales and its beautiful princesses. I once dreamed being in captivity, waiting for my prince in shining armor come to make me his only queen in his castle. The idea of wearing pink-ish gown and tiara crosses every little girl's mind.

The values that kids really pick up on and incorporate are really more the values they're exposed to with their family, within their community, with people, not from made-up princesses. In the long run, an affection for all things pink and sparkly may not matter. Kids define things differently, both as children and later when they reach adulthood. And, to a reasonable extent, adults should respect that.

They need some breathing room to define these things for themselves as they mature.

We could very well find that, in 20 years, all these little Ariel-wannabes have completely rejected the whole idea of the princess thing and become strong-minded, independent women as a RESULT of playacting the helpless, mindless, fainting naifs.

We just don't know.

All I want to say is...Hey Peggy - leave those with imagination, heart, and creativity alone; no one has imagination until Disney sells it to them. Why the overwhelming need to vomit your sour ideas all over others? As anyone who truly examines these films can see, there is much more to these "princesses" than a cute face and a tiara. Why should a woman be criticized for wanting to be a princess/housewife? If it's all about choice in life, why slam this particular one? Make your own choice in life and be comfortable with it. Boy you need to lighten up!! Sounds like you never have had any fun!

Nowadays, even Dora, who bounds through the jungle saving baby jaguars, whose mother is an archaeologist and whose adventures don't involve smoochy rescues by Diego, has gone Princess.


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Monday, 21 January 2008 10:40 pm
I know. I did too much quizzes. What can I say?


What Anita Pravitasari Means

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people.
Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems.
Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are very hyper. You never slow down, even when it's killing you.
You're the type of person who can be a workaholic during the day... and still have the energy to party all night.
Your energy is definitely a magnet for those around you. People are addicted to your vibe.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

anyhoo .. i've finished watching season 3 of house and my love for wilson is growing faster than ever <333 and hector!! there seriously cannot be any cuter pooch around. tried watching paris, je t'aime afterwards and didnt even finish half of it. did not suit my liking at all D:

I just accidentally wiped all 30ish mp3s from my iTunes. NOOOOOES.
oh well, maybe it's time to update it with more songs.

P.S: I think having a 2008 journal will be great. Gonna buy it the next time I'm visiting a book store.

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... My Dæmon ...
Saturday, 19 January 2008 12:50 pm
A while ago I saw onw of my friend did this. Well, this is mine. my own dæmon from The Golden Compass movie. What do you think? You can have a say whether it represents me or not.


Movie List 2008
12:14 pm
This will be the post where I update my movie list in 2008.

1. The Golden Compass 7/10
2. License to Wed 4/10
3. Bee Movie 4/10

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Book List 2008
12:00 pm
This will be the post where I update my book list in 2008.

1. Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (Haruki Murakami) 4/5
Haruki Murakami is probably one of very few authors who can write stories about loneliness that just strike the chord in me. This book is a collection of his short stories and some of it are simply DIVINE.

2. Neverwhere (Neil Gaiman) 5/5
Every texture of the London Below feels real, and almost every page has some bizarre occurance or some off kilter social commentary disguised as fantasy coming from all sides. He has more good ideas than any man should possibly have and these ideas and his brilliant descriptions are what carry the novel, for the most part, you can read the whole thing like a travelogue and just become immersed in this strange and amazing world. I didn't ever want this book to end.

3. Shopaholic and Baby (Sophie Kinsella) 2/5
Sadly to say that this will be my last book of the Shopaholic series (if Ms. Kinsella decides to continue). Thank God I decided to borrow instead of buy it. I don't really see any improvements in Becky, Luke, and other characters. They still act the same, using the same treats as the previous books, and it is getting tiresome. The only one i love to read here was danny (he's just so much fun!!!).

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Sunday, 6 January 2008 9:10 am
Termo dapet B = Bimbang gundah gulana

Gimana nih?? UAS ga ya...Klo bsoknya ga ada UAS Prokom si pasti gw tancep aja. Cuma masalahnya ada prokom. Dan prokom gw ga bisa dibilang mulus2 aja.
Klo pengen enak si ya ngga usa UAS. Udah B gitoh.

Tapi klo maunya enak mulu, KAPAN MAJUNYA? KAPAN?

Pengen solat minta petunjuk, malah mens. Nasib mu nak...

Ah, Taulah...

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Layout Baru? Going in process...
9:02 am
Tahun baru. Musti ada yg baru. Ngeliat layout blog ini, kyknya kok sempiiittt...pit..pit...I need more space

So It's been decided. I need a new layout.

Udah ada gambaran kasarnya gimana. Yg belum ada cuma waktu. Dan Internet Connection yang cihuy.

Conclusion? Musti nunggu nyampe di jakarta dulu baru bisa tercapai. huuuu....

1st Post in 2008: Resolusi??
Saturday, 5 January 2008 2:18 pm
taun baru, orang2 pada rajin bikin resolusi2an, uda banyak yang mikir mo ngapain aja di taun baru ini, bikin rencana yang sederet panjangnya. tapi gw,,,hehe,,,boro2 bikin resolusi, mikir mo ngapain aja engga.
lagian lebih seru kalo tiba2 dapet ide ditengah keramai pasar ikan dan saat itu juga langsung di kerjain.
misalnya ni,,,"anjrit, kayaknya seru tuh jadi tukang becak." nah,,karena penyakit-gila-menahun dan disfungsi-otak-akut, akirnya jadilah tukang becak seharian. hahaha,,
ga mungkin kan lo nulis resolusi jadi tukang becak!
makanya idup itu jangan terlalu banyak mikir yang susah2. mikir masa depan itu susah lho. kalo kebanyakan mikir bakal nemuin banyak jawaban yang bikin idup lo semakin rumit. ga percaya? coba tanya mbak im di kanayakan. beh,,,banyak pengalamannya dia. sok yang mau konsultasi silahkan.

kasus kemalasan membuat resolusi saat ini juga dilaporkan terjadi karena banyaknya rencana2 yang telah disusun tapi jarang untuk direalisasikan (selain karena UAS sedang berlangsung). kendala tersebut sangat sulit untuk diatasi apalagi bagi sekelompok orang yang hanya bisa mengatakan "terserah lo aja", "gua ikut aja deh", "atur aja!". kalo kayak gini kapan jadinya. huhuhu,,,
jadi mendingan melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan spontanitas. lebih seru dan lebih ok. kayak misalnya nih..
"argggghhh,,,gw streesss. gua mo nyangkul aja." akirnya pegi nyari cangkul. ketemu cangkulnya. dan mulai mencangkul.
puas nyangkul. stress ilang. sehat. kuat. dan kali aja pas ngegali nemu harta karun. pulang dengan hati bahagia. La la la ~~~
ga mungkin kan lo bikin rencana "kalo gw stress gw mo ngamen ah di dago" kedengerannya aga aneh. hee,,,*diam membisu*

Pokoknya intinya:
"I’m so sick of making lists Of things I’ll never finish"

lebih baik kita selesaikan dulu apa yang ada di depan mata. gw masih musti nyelesein ni UAS-UAS dengan gigi-gigi taringnya yang terasah tajam siap mencabik-cabik otak gw.

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