I can't escape, or so it seems.

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Blogger Nadissa // 8/12/07 15:53
Blogger rage // 22/12/07 04:21
Blogger Audrey Cornu // 28/11/07 22:28
Blogger rage // 22/12/07 04:22
Anonymous Anonymous // 15/12/07 18:39

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adi primo rizki
akhmad arfiyan
alfa aphrodita
ardya dipta nandaviri
astri pradiptaningtyas
auzan abirama
devy nandya
dian amelina
dian shofinita
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Dee Idea
Deviant Art
Sherina Munaf
Sinema Indonesia
Rotten Tomatoes
Pink is the New Blog
Process Engineers
Majari Magazine

Layout: anita pravitasari. 23 June, 2008
tools: adobe photoshop, notepad, adobe dreamweaver
Text/Lyric: corinne bailey rae's "enchantment"


Don't know how I fell under his spell.
The name is Anita Pravitasari. People call me "anita". Likes to prefer her self as "nyt". 20 years old (There. I've changed it). Live in Jakarta-Bandung, Indonesia. In a relationship. Currently taking major in Chemical Engineering ITB. Love to write even more to read. Movie geek. Music lover. Often tired and loves sleep. Cries very easily. Is very friendly. Her ultimate fangirl crush would be with Johnny Deep *dies*. Is a spoiler whore. She hardly use a censoring system when she babbles so read at your own risks.

The Shack - William P. Young
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling
Be With You - Takuji Ichikawa
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
A Walking Tour of the Shambles - Neil Gaiman
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
The Host - Stephanie Meyer
DSLR camera
new cellphone (any suggestion?)
a LONG vacation (europe baby!)
watching Kungfu Panda
Crayon’s Craft & co, Jl. Aceh no. 15

anitapravitasari@gmail.com nytnyta@gmail.com nytazspot@hotmail.com sakura_misakichi@yahoo.com
All emails go straight to my Microsoft Outlook.


recent watch
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber from Fleet Street
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Spiderwick Chronicles

recent read
The Devil of Nanking
Mo Hayder
The Amulet of Samarkand
Jonathan Stroud
Angie Sage

current read
Stephanie Meyer
New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer

He smiles and I give in. This could be an enchantment.
More Quizzes
Wednesday, 28 November 2007 9:14 pm
I just couldn't stand to take this, my curiosity is too high.

HAHAHAHAHA WADDYA THINK? I think it's somewhat true :P.

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Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat.
8:43 pm
I already had my 3rd meal today when abi asked where I want to eat. "Aku udah makan.", answered me. But then he came up with one of my fav place, Ngudi Rahayu. It's been a while since my last sate kulit.

So I ordered 2 sate kulit and one grilled chicken. No rice. I think I would've exploded if I eat more carbohydrate. Seriously, I'm THAT full.

Then, I entered my room and there was a bar of Hershey's Dark Chocolate on my bed. Ripped the wrapper. THEN, I stuffed it all in my mouth.

7 pm. Mba Im entered my room to see if I want to eat. I should have directly said no. But I didn't. Instead I asked what's tonight menu. Cumi balado.


Dan masuklah si cumi beserta nasi dan sayur kangkung ke dalam mulut saya...

Some more fats to my soon-to-explode tummy. Well, that's the life I know and love.


Sunday, 25 November 2007 9:07 pm
Tadi malem ym-an ama abi. Kira-kira begini bunyinya...

Kamu: Eh, ada yang mau aku omongin
Aku: Apa?
Kamu: Tapi kamu jangan ngambek ya??
Aku: Apa?
Kamu: Kamu keduluan lo...
Kamu: Met 4 bulan ya sayang (ada sayangny ga si td mlm? Ah, bodo lah. Pengen)
Aku: Hah??!
Aku: Ga nyadar udah jam 12!
Aku: Met 4 bulanan juga..

Jadi, begitulah. Sekali lagi gw gagal. Haha.
Wah, empat bulan. Tidak terasa.

I once wondered if I'll ever know whether we're worth all this fighting for. I know it's probably too early and too naive for me to tell, but all I know is I'm alright with you..

You put a spell on me. It's impossible to stay mad at you. And all those things that you think annoyed me, really, I often found them so sweet. I'm just loathing how much I really miss you right now.

I dreamed of blue skies. Of fine green grass and lazy sunny afternoons. And whatever that place was, I felt like I was home. And you were with me. It almost felt so real I thought waking up was just one of those silly reveries. And then that familiar Nokia tune just had to slap me right on the face, into realizing that this bed was real. And that bench we were sitting on wasn't. I miss you. SO MUCH. And it's frustrating.

Thank you for the wonderful 4 months. I would never change you for the world.

mood: thankful

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Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, 23 November 2007 10:07 am
I was poking around the net, then I found out that yesterday was Thanksgiving day. So for those who celebrates it, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your thanksgiving meal was awesome.

In addition, here's something I find amusing, just for fun...

I'm listening to: Celine Dion - Taking Chances
mood: ecstatic

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I want my own bitches!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007 10:09 pm
The American Music Award was held not so long ago. It's in my nature to look all over the net for interesting news and pics related to big events. So here's what I got.

Beyonce graced the red carpet at 2007 AMA. Doesn't she look gigantic? At least 'parts' of her are. But it seems to me that some of her parts prefer to be at home seeing they almost jump out of her dress. Can't really blame them. It's really cold outside.

She was pulled, yanked, and positioned. She had her attendants primp her dress between photos. If I have my own bitches to polish me so I look amazing all day I'd do the same thing and goes all "Now I'm gonna stand here and turn the divaness up full blast and you bitches make me look fabolous...or you're fired"

And I found pictures of Britney "The Queen of All Shame Things" Spears being topless with only flowers covering her tits. It's here if you're interested.

mood: ditzy

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Chances and Possibilities
Saturday, 17 November 2007 3:12 pm
I have this .doc file which titled "Quote-worhty". It contains poems, stories, phrases, sentences, or any combination of words that I found interesting, toughtful, so true, and so me. It reaches page 21st at the moment. Yay.

Anyway, I was reading it just now to review what I have in there. Then I noticed this one. On page 12. I read it one and got hooked on it. It didn't say to who I should quote it to...respect to the source...I'll quote it later.

In someway, it's quite true..but then again, it contradicts itself...hmmm...

"Dont Find Love...Let Love Find You...Thats Why Its Called Falling In Love...Because You Dont Force Yourself to Fall In Love...You Just Fall"

Corny as it sounds, its meaningful...
Some people spend their time looking for love, when its just right there....when you least expect it, it smacks you right in your face...
Hope it will work that way for me...If it does, heck I can't wait to experience how it feels

mood: mellow


I drank 3 cans of coke today
2:02 pm
Rindu jakarta
Rindu mataharinya yang terik membakar
Rindu macet dimana-mana
Rindu penduduknya yang kurang ajar
Rindu jalan-jalan yang diblokir gara-gara banjir

See? What's not to love?

Pengen pulang...

P.S: Senen ujian KO and I don't give a shit.

mood: lazy


Otak Saya Bekerja Sebelum Tidur
Tuesday, 13 November 2007 9:33 pm
Gw baru aja baca blog salah satu temen gw yang ga bisa gw taro link nya disini krn emang yg boleh tau cuma beberapa org doang. Sekali lagi dia mengingat hal yg terjadi pada dirinya beberapa tahun yg lalu.

Patah hati yang sangat hebat.

Sejak saat itu ada yang berubah ama dia. Kalau make istilahnya dia si, dia sekarang berubah jadi monster. Well, menurut gw si dia ga sejahat itu sampe musti dipanggil monster. Tapi terkadang kelakuannya dalam hub percintaan bkn hati gw agak bergetar takut.

Sungguh luar biasa bagaimana disakiti bisa mengubah seseorang. Tapi, coba dipikir deh. Bukannya itu suatu mekanisme yang sangat menyeramkan? Gw bener2 ga mau setelah jatuh gw jadi orang yg lebih buruk dr gw yg skrg aja udah ga ada benernya. Masa' gw harus menjaga diri untuk ga jatuh lagi dengan cara2 yang brutal?

Gw ga mau jadi orang yg memilih untuk menyakiti daripada disakiti.

Dan yg lebih menyeramkan lagi, sepertinya ada sedikit dari diri gw yg seperti itu.


9:00 pm
I'm not good. Since the moment I finished today's matek quiz, there was nothing I want more than to be in my own room wearing my sweat pants. Here I have all I need to get rid of the blues i.e the bed.

I just hope I can contain this feeling a little bit more. Because sometimes "the blues" is able to shift slowly to the "grey" area. It is a line between "the blues" and the black mood (that's me being depressed). This is not good. Now I need to try hard so I will not move to the black mood area. SHIT!

Well, I found out that I got my period today. Which means, I CAN hope that me getting the blues is just part of my hormones going berserk. That I will be back on my two feet in no time. So here's to hope!! *crosses fingers*

mood: blah

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