I can't escape, or so it seems.

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Anonymous Anonymous // 21/10/07 10:27
Blogger rage // 18/10/07 23:19

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008

adi primo rizki
akhmad arfiyan
alfa aphrodita
ardya dipta nandaviri
astri pradiptaningtyas
auzan abirama
devy nandya
dian amelina
dian shofinita
dyahshinta dwitya
elizabeth valentin
guntur susanto
hanna siahaan
hans gunawan
ivan hadinata
marco armando
michael jubel hutagalung
rani resanti
ratih asthary
republik babi
ronald osmond
tasa nugraza barley

Dee Idea
Deviant Art
Sherina Munaf
Sinema Indonesia
Rotten Tomatoes
Pink is the New Blog
Process Engineers
Majari Magazine

Layout: anita pravitasari. 23 June, 2008
tools: adobe photoshop, notepad, adobe dreamweaver
Text/Lyric: corinne bailey rae's "enchantment"


Don't know how I fell under his spell.
The name is Anita Pravitasari. People call me "anita". Likes to prefer her self as "nyt". 20 years old (There. I've changed it). Live in Jakarta-Bandung, Indonesia. In a relationship. Currently taking major in Chemical Engineering ITB. Love to write even more to read. Movie geek. Music lover. Often tired and loves sleep. Cries very easily. Is very friendly. Her ultimate fangirl crush would be with Johnny Deep *dies*. Is a spoiler whore. She hardly use a censoring system when she babbles so read at your own risks.

The Shack - William P. Young
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling
Be With You - Takuji Ichikawa
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
A Walking Tour of the Shambles - Neil Gaiman
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
The Host - Stephanie Meyer
DSLR camera
new cellphone (any suggestion?)
a LONG vacation (europe baby!)
watching Kungfu Panda
Crayon’s Craft & co, Jl. Aceh no. 15

anitapravitasari@gmail.com nytnyta@gmail.com nytazspot@hotmail.com sakura_misakichi@yahoo.com
All emails go straight to my Microsoft Outlook.


recent watch
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber from Fleet Street
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Spiderwick Chronicles

recent read
The Devil of Nanking
Mo Hayder
The Amulet of Samarkand
Jonathan Stroud
Angie Sage

current read
Stephanie Meyer
New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer

He smiles and I give in. This could be an enchantment.
An Attempt To Brighter Future
Saturday, 20 October 2007 7:35 pm
I keep saying to my self, "musti belajar, musti belajar.."
But those DVDs I just bought are too tempting.
Siapa suruh tadi beli. Sekarang terjebak dalam kesenangan sesaat.
Yah, bagaimana dong? menonton memang JAUH lebih menyenangkan.
All those latin names...YUCK.

Arrgh..kalau begini terus mikrobiologi hari senin nanti bagaimana..?
Masa depan suram...


p.s: pengen beli digital SLR camera.
p.p.s: pengen ke belanda. pengen ke prancis. pengen kr itali. pengen ngeliat arsitektur2nya. Ga tau kenapa. Lagi pengen bgt. Damn you Samantha Brown.
p.p.p.s: Potong rambut hari ini. Bob pendek rata diatas kerah. Mintanya sih rata. Tapi keluar2 kok panjang sebelah kyk maya ahmad (ato estianti?). Kata hanung si kayak Rihanna. hahaha. you wish.

Lost in Oblivion
Thursday, 18 October 2007 6:23 pm
Here we are again. Insomnia and its effects on my overall condition. Actually I'm sleeping (not now, of course), at least I think so. But it's more some kind of permanent dozing off and waking up again, but no real and healthy sleep. It got really weird when I woke up yesterday and had a bruise on my left cheek. I have no idea where it comes from. Maybe my teddy was beating me up while I was in this pseudo-state of sleep.

Maybe it's because I get used to sleeping after midnight. I do it frequently in Bandung. Mostly because of midterms or papers (or watching DVDs). Now I can't sleep early. Even if I lay my head on 10, closing my eyes, thinking nothing, I will be sleeping 1 hours after that. I even tried counting sheep last night!


Anyway, trying to lighten up my mood a little bit, I made a list.

Things That Make Me Smile
  • Having discussions during dinner with my family (Dad, Mom, lil' bro, and lil' sis)
  • Talking while sitting closely with my boyfriend. He makes me laugh a lot.
  • Watching Friends. I'm rewatching the season from season 1. I am up to the mid of season 4 now.
  • Watching my cat, even if she is just sleeping peacefully
  • Being in my room, listening to jazzy songs, reading people's blog, when it is raining outside
  • Entering a bookstore, and having a huge pile of books in your hands a while later.
  • Same goes with DVDs
  • Finish a very good book that just lingers in your head after awhile
  • Going out from the theater after watching a very good movie. Especially with my boyfriend.
  • Having a delicious meal
  • Entering boutiques, browsing and actually find out something nice that I can afford.
  • Cute shoes
  • Hanging out with friends, making jokes, talking about life especially people, if you know what I mean.
  • Reading comments I got on Friendster
  • Photos of people, landscapes, buildings, anything that comes up beautiful.
  • Babies. With their cute little hands and soft cheek
  • Paintings
  • European architecture
  • Watching Discovery Travel & Living. All the good foods, wonderful places, and amazing building I would like to experience my self.
  • Creating something with Photoshop. It'll makes me happier if it turns out right.
  • Writing a review of movie or book.
  • Starring out the window while in the car or any other vehicle.
  • Check my mailbox and see that I have email
  • A very cold ice drink (cola or tea)
  • Thinking of things in this list alone make me smile :)
See, there's many great things in the world that waiting for me to enjoy. I don't have any reason to be cranky.

mood: melancholy

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1st Jakarta Date
Wednesday, 17 October 2007 1:27 pm
setelah seminggu, akhirnya gw ketemu juga ama si pacar. Ketemu di semanggi kemaren at 12ish. First look: ohohoho...dia mencukur habis kumis dan jenggotnya. Gitu dong..look less scary. Sayang rmabutnya ketinggalan. Jangan lama2 ya meliharanya.

Trus diajak makan ama bareng ama kluarganya. I thought we'll eat at food court, but no...we went straight to the ground floor to a steak house from Chicago, a big green sign above its front door with the words "American Grill" on it. My own family eat there annually and only on special occasion (my dad's birthday). Ngeliat harganya jadi ga enak mesen macem2. Nunggu yg lain mesen dulu, liat harganya, baru deh nyari menu yg harganya mirip...Trus ngobrol2, gw ditanya dkt2, crita2 ttg auzan waktu kecil, ttg rambutny auzan, ketawa2..

Slese makan keluarganya pulang trus kita berduaan deh..yeeyy..ga ngapa2in kok. cuma nonton doang. Yah, mesra2an dikit boleh dong. Tdny mo nonton Pocong 3. Tapi entah kenapa di semanggi ga ada. Payah. Akhirnya nonton Priceless (Horse de Prix judul versi Prancisny). Lumayan lah. Comedy/romance gitu.

Trus pulang deh dianter ampe rumah. Hehe..senang. Auzan numpang solat dulu di rumah. Ketemu ama ibu. Sekarang kita nyaris impas de...tinggal ketemu ayah aja..Nyaris ketemu si. cuma ayah keburu cabut driving. Bis itu dia pulang ke apartmentny trus lgsg cabut ke bandung malem itu juga...daah...

Btw, I decided to put all my reviews on a different place. Just to keep things organized. And also for everyone safety. You know, because of spoiler... Here is the review journal. It's on Live Journal because it has a behind-a-cut system. You'll see what I meant. So from now on I'll only put the link to the page here.

(Now the review for Resident Evil: Extinction)

I haven't done Priceless yet. I think one review is enough for now.

mood: okay


a day for blessings and joy
Saturday, 13 October 2007 6:07 am
Fiuh...what a day! I'm SO TIRED.

But, first thing frist.

I have to say: Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, everyone. Please forgive all my mistakes. I know that sometimes I hurt people without realizing it. Don't let hate and grudge linger in our hearts. Let's start new pages. Let’s try to be a better person after this lebaran. Amin.

Now I'm gonna go straight to bed.
Oh, before that gotta call ayang...miss him so much

undomestic goddess??
Thursday, 11 October 2007 11:14 pm

I woke up at 10.30 today.

Promised my mom would help her clean up the house. Set the alarm for 8 am. Have no idea whether it rang or not. Now I still have lots of cleaning to be done. Always hate domestic job.

Nurunin smua isi lemari pajangan (kristal2, gelas2, cangkir2). Setiap rak dilap ampe ke sudut2nya. Kacanya juga dilap. Belom lagi isi2 lemari juga musti dielapin satu2. Dari yang ukurannya segede vas cina, ampe yg seimut gelas arak. Belum cukup juga. Tuh lemari juga musti digeser biar debu dibaliknya bisa disapu. Please, deh. Kayak bakal ada org yg ngintip ke belakang lemari aja si?? Durasi pengerjaan: 2 jam 40 menit.

Slese satu lemari, jari2 gw smua pada sakit. Kalo bukan karena debu2 yg nempel ditangan bikin tgn yg sawo matang makin item, pasti keliatan deh merah2 smua tuh jari tangan.

Next. Ngebersihin debu di jaring2 ventilasi. Pake apa? Pake kuas. Mencoba memakai akal sehat demi efisiensi, gw pun bertanya, ”Kenapa ga make vacum cleaner aja si? Kemaren nyedot sofa kan juga make itu!”. Ibu pun membalas dengan singkat, ”Ga bersih.”. Jadi, gw hanya bisa menerima nasib. Satu persatu tiap ruas ventilasi yang ada diseluruh jagad rumah ini gw bersihin dengan sabar memakai satu btg kuas. Setiap usapan pertama..”Uhuk, uhuk, uhuk!”. Huh, bersyukurlah asma gw dah ga pernah kambuh. Durasi: 2 jam (Berenti karena 1 jam menjelang magrib. Dari pagi belum mandi)

Benar2 hari yang produktif.

As I promised: BukPus X-E
Bukpus nya di rumah Aris. Agak susah nyari rumahnya. Padahal patokannya McD tebet. Dan gw lupa McD tebet tuh sebelah mana. Parah ni. Baru 1 stengah tahun di bandung, gw dah lupa ama jalan2ny. Yah, emang dr awal juga ga terlalu apal. Paling susah ngapalin jalan. Klo rute ke mall2 sih apal (asal lewat tol).

Akhirnya nyampe di depan rumah aris skitar 5.30an. Lgsg ketemu ama Primo di depan gerbang, lagi bawa 2 bungkus sate ayam. Yumm...

Yang dateng lumayan byk juga. Primo, Anie, Eki, Dissa, Nadut, Shali, Arya, Amri, Prita, Ferry, Kiki, Rama, Rachma, Mita, Ical, Iwan, Adi, De (Heh! Udah jadian 2 bulan g bilang2!), Grace. Tambah gw ama Aris jadi 21 orang. Lumayan lah. Ga dikit2 amat. Hu2. Lucunya..Kita smua masih culun seperti dulu. Ga ada yg berubah.

Abis makan, main kartu. Pertama main polisi-maling. Dasar Nadut. Jadi polisi/maling sama2 ga becus. Ketawa-ketiwi mulu. Aturan mainnya nyolek, eh, malah nabok. Ya, ketauan bgt deh. Emang ga bakat. Kirain si Ical dah plg parah. Bosen main polisi-maling, kita main tepok nyamuk/gebrakan. Coba bayangkan. 15 orang yang main. SESEK! PANAS! NGOS2AN!

Capek maen ya ngobrol2 deh. Mencari udara segar diluar. Si Ical berhasil membujuk2 kita smua buat lanjut nomat nonton RE. Gw sih ga masalah. Kemana tebengan (Iwan) pergi, disitu gw berada. Ya udah. Jam 8.30, lanjut deh ke blitz.

Di blitz ternyata ga ada RE. Jadilah nonton The Brave One. I think the movie is okay. I mean, it's not my favorite kind of movie but it's not a bad one as well. At least I didn't feel like I wasted my time watching it *g*. And the ending is kinda funny. A thriller movie that turned out to be ‘romantic’. You’ll see what I mean.

Ampe rumah keesokan harinya bo..jam stengah 1. Bikin malu aja si anak pak RT pulang pagi. Gang udah di portal. Jadilah gw jalan kaki ke dalam. Agak spooky sih. Untung gw ga parno-an.. Ngebel ampe 5 kali br dibukain pintu. Emang lebih enak di kosan ya..

PS: Bad news. Bsok bu amah (pembantu gw) dah ga ada, mudik. Bsok abis sahur ga ada lagi yg namanya tidur. CUCI PIRING!

PSS: My reading activity is slowing down again. Still have plenty to read over the holidays. Including text books. Crap.

it's been a long time...
Monday, 8 October 2007 1:07 pm
...since my last post. My excuse? Internet dikosan mateee!!

Kemaren br menginjakkan kaki diatas keset kamar mandi drumah di jakarta. Akhirnya. Pulang juga. Masuk kamar, muncul sebuah pertanyaan. "Kasur gw mana?"
Ternyata si kasur ada dibawah tumpukan baju2+tas2+kerudung2+entah apa lagi milik ibu. Mentang2 orgny ga ada. Huh.

I managed to reveal my bed, without much effort (baca: menggusur smua brg diatas ke lantai dengan 2-3 gerakan ala buldoser). Omelan ibu kita pikirkan nanti saja. Yang penting bisa tiduuurrr......



tapi emang lagi ga napsu ngepost nih. Jadi nyampah dulu ya..

Tar sore ada buka puasa ma anak2 kurusetra. Hope there will be good stories I could share...


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