I can't escape, or so it seems.

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July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008

adi primo rizki
akhmad arfiyan
alfa aphrodita
ardya dipta nandaviri
astri pradiptaningtyas
auzan abirama
devy nandya
dian amelina
dian shofinita
dyahshinta dwitya
elizabeth valentin
guntur susanto
hanna siahaan
hans gunawan
ivan hadinata
marco armando
michael jubel hutagalung
rani resanti
ratih asthary
republik babi
ronald osmond
tasa nugraza barley

Dee Idea
Deviant Art
Sherina Munaf
Sinema Indonesia
Rotten Tomatoes
Pink is the New Blog
Process Engineers
Majari Magazine

Layout: anita pravitasari. 23 June, 2008
tools: adobe photoshop, notepad, adobe dreamweaver
Text/Lyric: corinne bailey rae's "enchantment"


Don't know how I fell under his spell.
The name is Anita Pravitasari. People call me "anita". Likes to prefer her self as "nyt". 20 years old (There. I've changed it). Live in Jakarta-Bandung, Indonesia. In a relationship. Currently taking major in Chemical Engineering ITB. Love to write even more to read. Movie geek. Music lover. Often tired and loves sleep. Cries very easily. Is very friendly. Her ultimate fangirl crush would be with Johnny Deep *dies*. Is a spoiler whore. She hardly use a censoring system when she babbles so read at your own risks.

The Shack - William P. Young
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - J.K. Rowling
Be With You - Takuji Ichikawa
Water for Elephants - Sara Gruen
Elsewhere - Gabrielle Zevin
A Walking Tour of the Shambles - Neil Gaiman
American Gods - Neil Gaiman
New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
The Host - Stephanie Meyer
DSLR camera
new cellphone (any suggestion?)
a LONG vacation (europe baby!)
watching Kungfu Panda
Crayon’s Craft & co, Jl. Aceh no. 15

anitapravitasari@gmail.com nytnyta@gmail.com nytazspot@hotmail.com sakura_misakichi@yahoo.com
All emails go straight to my Microsoft Outlook.


recent watch
Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber from Fleet Street
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Spiderwick Chronicles

recent read
The Devil of Nanking
Mo Hayder
The Amulet of Samarkand
Jonathan Stroud
Angie Sage

current read
Stephanie Meyer
New Moon
Stephanie Meyer
Stephanie Meyer

He smiles and I give in. This could be an enchantment.
The Simpsons Movie
Monday 30 July 2007 10:23 pm

I assure you, no real spoilers AT ALL.

The Simpsons: America’s best known dysfunctional family.

The most important is the question: is the movie funny? The answer is a resounding YES.

I say it’s 5 out of 5, the movie is exactly what you would expect and what you would want from a simpsons movie. And I could tell that everyone in the audience thought so too. It was uproarious laughter from start to finish…from it’s opening theme played by Green Day to credits (you should stay and watch the credits). High praise, but it’s worth it. I hadn’t watched the sipsons in a long time, but used to pretty frequently. It was played on local channel. So seeing them again was kin of cool-nostalgic-weird, but still funny…in fact funnier because there are things in this movie that could not be shown on tv. (to name just one thing…be sure to keep your eyes on the screen while Bart are skateboarding).

I’m writing this fresh from the theater so the sensation is still vivid in my mind. All of the things that used to draw me to the show are in the movie and kicked up a notch. Homer drives the story and is classic, but on a larger scale because his incompetence not only impacts his family it also jeopardizes the existence of the entire city of Springfield. There is a moment that I was NOT expecting at all and had the audience nearly falling out of their chairs. The fact that such scandalous material was rare in the flick made it that much more enjoyable when it did happen. Primo, the person sitting beside me couldn’t stop laughing for about 2 minutes on a joke.

Amidst all that laughter, these crude, basic 2D figures find a moment or two to touch your heart. Some of the best parts of the whole film is a really sweet storyline between a father and a son. Say what you will about the crude humor (though not by today’s standards), but in the end they always stick together.

Overall it was a good time that truly did not disappoint…

See? No spoiler even a bit.

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morning sunshine!
7:52 am

I’m glad I checked today’s date when I woke up, otherwise I’ll miss two important events that occurred today.

Ressi, my cousin, is going to have her ‘sidang skripsi’ this morning at 9 (was going to write that in English, but I’m not sure). I called her but she was the first one to speak. She wouldn’t stop teasing me for my recent ‘upgrade in life’. After 5 minutes I finally got the lead of the conversation and wished her luck etc.

The second event….


That’s my another cousin. Actually his name is ilham, but since he’s older than me I call him Da Ham which stands for Uda Ilham. FYI, me and my 4 cousins all goes to the same univ, ITB. Ressi and Rissa (they’re twins), Ilham, Mirna, and then me. We do a lot yackety-yack…

I’m going to watch “The Simpsons” this afternoon. Trying to get this particular guy out of my head for a while…Sorry ya, zan. Bentar doang kok. Capek tau klo kangen mulu…Butuh liburan nih hatinya…alah..

Review coming up…

6 years
Sunday 29 July 2007 1:36 pm

I thought today will just pass by without anything happen. I was gonna spend the day in my room watching tv, reading Harry Potter (yeah, still haven’t finished it), or reading others blogs. But God has other plan.

Baru bangun tidur jam 10 pagi. Abis sarapan disuruh ibu bawa si lola ama chester (itu nama kucing2 gw) ke pet shop buat dimandiin. Kucing2 gw emang dijadwalin di grooming 2 minggu sekali. Lebih rajin dari pada yg punya.

Baru keluar rumah bentar menenteng dua makhluk yang kalau dijumlah mungkin beratnya mencapai 6 kilo, and there she is. Riding a bicycle. Under a burning sun. Sweat all over her face. My childhood friend.

It’s been what? 6 years? Yeah, 6 years. 6 years we spent time together. 6 years we’d been apart.

Udah 6 taonan ga ktemuan, ternyata byk yg berubah ya? Lucu ama reaksi pas pertama ketemu, saling bengong sesaat, terus baru heboh..Padahal rumah kita cuma berjarak paling 2 km.

Biarpun waktu kecil kita sama2 mulu, tapi tetep aja kita tumbuh jadi orang yg sama sekali berbeda. Dia jadi tambah tinggi (ya iya lah!), rambutnya panjang, dihighlite merah maroon, tapi tetep item, tetep tomboy, tetep songong. Jadi sedikit asing. Yah, 6 taon bukan waktu yg singkat. Klo di flashback, byk bgt kejadian yg bikin kita berubah drastis dlm kurun waktu segitu. Bagian paling menyenangkan dalam pertemuan dg childhood friend, adalah nostalgia.. dan kadang secara tidak sadar, atmosfernya bikin kita bertingkah laku seperti saat belum terjadi perubahan pada diri.

Inget dulu waktu sd kita sering maen karet. Inget dulu suka saling ngambek-ngambekan. Inget masa2 dulu cinta monyetnya anak2. Inget ternyata dulu kita cupu abis. Tapi pengen balik lagi karena ga ada beban. Ternyata kamu ngambil psikologi ya. Ga nyangka sama sekali. Ketemu kamu baru inget klo dulu aku masih pinter.

Kita tukeran nomor Hp. Bentar lagi pasti saling nge-add di friendster. Ngobrol 30 menit diluar rumah. Kucing2 dah dilupakan. Abis itu kamu pergi lagi naik sepeda.

Kapan kita ketemu lagi ya say? 1 tahun lagi? Entah seperti apa kita nantinya, kemanakah waktu akan membawa kita 1 taon lagi. Di usia 20 (buset, dah bkn remaja lg), sudah terlalu jauh dari masa kecil. Apa yg akan kita bicarakan? Perubahan seperti apalagi yg akan hadir diantaranya?
1 taon lagi, mungkin kita akan berjumpa lagi disini.

We'll see till next encounter.. What are we in our 20?


Bener2 nyampah ni hari...
Saturday 28 July 2007 9:19 pm
Your French Name is:

Magnolia Dupin


BBB the Movie
9:00 pm
Setelah wara-wiri kliling-kliling blogwalking...ternyata byk juga yg pengen nonton si BBB the Movie. Entah krn penasaran bagus/jelek (kyk gw) atau emang fans fanatik seperti yg blakangan ini nongol di infotainment (tulisannya gitu bkn si?). Klo gini gw bs dengan bangga berteriak...


Alah...geleuh...tapi emang pengen sih...gmn dong?
Abis ntn, tuh lagu endingnya nyangkut mulu di kepala. Sial. Bisa2nya. Judulnya aj ga tau. Biasanya klo abis ntn film pasti gw ksh review. tapi buat yg satu ini spesial. Tonton aja sendiri....

Sedikit tips: mending nontonya ama pacar. Ga bakal bikin filmnya tambah romantis ato tambah meaning sih. Ga ngaruh apa2 malah. Cuma mo pamer aja dah punya...hehehe...


My life is so totally different these days that even I don't recognize it
1:58 pm
Gosh, you know, I just love being at home. Seeing those faces who welcomed me with their biggest smiles...When I entered my room (God, it's so messy!) my cats were on my bed...sleeping. How cute!

Oh, yeah, Harry Potter. Don't worry, my flist. This is NOT a spoiler. What I think of "The Deathly Hollows" will be revealed in the future. This pre-face is just my "experience" of coming to the store to fetch the book.

Okay, so it was July 22nd, and in here, the books are usually in Malls -- which means they are open around 10 AM instead of midnight. I went to Gramedia Matraman to fetch my book and it was crazy! I didn't experience this with Book 5 and 6. So many people lining up for the last book

I was so afraid that I would get spoiled because I saw two girls in front of me were skipping through the last pages of the book. I was getting paranoid because deeta said that she heard somebody yelling spoilers on the street during the last book. So what did I do? I put on my ipod, and listened to the songs VERY VERY LOUD! I didn't want to hear anything. Not until I was in the safe place to read. After I got my book (I didn't take of the earphone), I rushly got out, get in my car, turned off my cell-phone, and started reading. When I got home, I went straight to my room, locked the door, and continued reading. Very slowly. Very carefully. Not to miss any single word. Want to picture every moment. Want to swallow every details.

I know. I'm just that maniac. But this uncontrolled fanatism is not just belong to me. Security measures which will probably even make the Secret Service go green with envy, photographs of a copy or fake on the net revealing not only the ending, emergency phones for desperate fans and their even more desperate parents, hysteria everywhere on the earth surface.

Spent 3 days in bandung with Kurusetra. There was deeta, eki, shali, anie, dissa (maap, ktinggalan...), pmo, de'e, maya, arya. I invited ical to come along but he is in Singapore right now. His 1st time ever on a plane! LOL. I'm serious! He'd never been outside Java before...He promised to bring me something. I hope it's chocolate.

What else is new....

Nothing much happened..except..I just got a BOYFRIEND!! Tee-hee...
He told me his feelings on last friday night right after graduation celebration ended in front of my classmates and I answered on 25-07-2007 after oddisey. So..well, I'm not single anymore! (Laras have got to know bout this!). Just had our 1st date last night watching BBB the Movie. Said boyfriend here...

I'll be cleaning and sorting and rearranging things in my room.


Maybe it would be nice to go for a swim tomorrow.

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again. another blog. another first post.
Wednesday 25 July 2007 9:02 am
Really. I'm good at keeping commitment. But I'm really weak on this one. There always a point when I meet a big wall called laziness. Then after months I'll get my writing mood back along with a disappointment with my current blog. Then I'll make a new one.

Hope, this time, it last longer *crosses fingers* xp...

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